Friday, October 30, 2009


No sugar coating this one. Frank has a responsibility to the program and VT football fans to make a change. This was supposed to be the year of no more excuses. The coaches even said so. The season ticket brochure promised as much.

What did we get instead? The same old story from Frank and Stinespring. Another dissapointing season.

It's not about UNC. It's about annual inconsistencies on offense . It's about hearing excuses and how we didn't have talent, while we see VT players get drafted into the NFL. It's about hearing how "good" we're going to be on offense, yet seeing the same product on the field.

CHANGE MUST BE MADE. We are in jeopardy of a program fallout if not. Email your local athletic director and university president.

We are at a pivotal crossroads as VT fans. Where do we go from here? Pack up our tailgate tent and never come back? Why shouldn't we?

We know how this story ends, we read it every fall. There is no reason to expect different results with the same guy calling plays and the same head coach letting it happen. If we're not in this thing to win the national championship, then what's the point?

1 comment:

hokiej88 said...

The point is Frank Beamer maintains complete control/a stranglehold over our program. He practices croneyism by keeping so much of the dead weight offensive coaches on our staff. O'Cain cannot coach or recruit, Hite does not like to recruit much anymore and Stinespring is in way over his head as an OC and has been given paid on the job training along with substantial salary raises every yr now for producing worse results. Does that sound like croneyism or a bureaucracy to you? Stinespring is valuable as a recruiter but he is AWFUL as an OC. He cannot design a gamelpan to attack a defense's weaknesses consistently nor can he make any in game adjustments consistently to save his life. Just pathetic he is allowed to stay at that position and not be reassigned. What is worse is Stiney will almost definitely be given a raise for his "performance" this season...